We’re proud to introduce Rosie, a powerful new machine translation add-on for ExpressionEngine. Rosie will translate your templates into any language supported by either Google Translate or Bing Translator.

Making your site as mult-lingual as a United Nations interpreter is as easy as picking your language, then adding couple of lines of code to your templates, like this:

{exp:channel:entries channel="your-channel"}
  {exp:rosie:translate from="en" to="{rosie_language}"}

Are you concerned about degrading performance and spending tons of money on constant API calls? Don’t be. Rosie can be easily configured to store your translations locally rather than having to use your API of choice every time a page loads. Even better, local translations allow you to correct the sometimes less-than-accurate but often hilarious machine translation issues that can occur.

Take a look at Rosie’s documentation to learn more, then head over to devot:ee to purchase Rosie for only $99.
